Leadership Competencies Framework

Leadership Competencies Framework

In the 21st century, leaders need a new definition of a high-performance work environment for the present and future. Given the fast-paced technological changes that accompanied the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the forces of globalization, leaders, in order to be successful, must be innovative, critical thinkers, capable of effecting cross-program bridging and synergy, while maintaining their digital skills and literacy in an ever-changing landscape.

Leaders must also successfully adapt to the changing work environments and capitalize on new work methods that help staff unlock their full potential.

This framework outlines 7 capabilities for achieving excellence in leadership, founded on three principles: readiness for the future, focus on delivery and collaboration…

Readiness for the Future

The work environment is undergoing unprecedented changes brought on by the changing political, social and economic terrain. 4IR has unlocked considerable new technology, opportunities and solutions that must be taken into account. It is critical for leaders not only to be aware but to build a deep understanding of these changes in order to harness opportunities and take government services to the next level.

Digital Fluency

In order to derive utmost benefit from the opportunities available to them, all leaders must be aware and strive to improve their understanding of digital technologies and worlds. They must be cognizant of the constantly changing digital platforms, and make sure that this opportunity is available to others as well.

Critical thinking

Leaders are called to consider multiple factors simultaneously, and may find themselves faced with growing complications when making decisions and developing ...

Focus on Delivery

Leaders must strive to deliver optimal value by adopting the best programs, policies and services that exceed stakeholders’ expectations. Today, leaders must be able to measure value-added and share their successful performance visibly through the growing number of public platforms. The sound planning of projects and good management, coupled with rigorous measurement of performance, enable leaders to translate visions into reality and to adopt plans in the light of changing circumstances, as well as use benchmark goals to assess value and improve the quality of delivered services. Leaders must be capable of casting a wide net across digital environments, of inspiring innovation and applying deductive reasoning and critical thinking to turn their ideas into the best possible strategies and policies.

Innovation and Creativity

4IR is a fast-changing environment. Leaders must appreciate the importance of preparing a favorable climate for staff to be open to new developments.


Leaders must be agile in balancing fast-paced technological changes and the need to modify plans based on emerging developments, in keeping with stakeholder aspirations ...

Strategic Implementation

A successful leader possesses the skill to equally manage strategic and tactical plans. The key factors for achieving outstanding value include the ability to strategically visualize the future...


The ability to understand the beliefs and feelings of others helps create collaborative leadership which in turn facilitates the development and understanding of others. Leaders must show empathy and be able to build rapport with others in a way that brings leader and staff together to create the same goals and visions. 4IR has produced a new generation of individuals who possess different expectations from their job, from work methods and what the work environment can offer them. Leaders must be fully prepared to engage with these dynamic and changing environments by committing themselves to lifelong learning and helping others further their education.

Managing the New Manpower

Leaders must attend to motivating their staff through interaction, empowerment, learning and instilling a sense of ownership. They should be able to also work effectively through virtual offices and fairly manage virtual teams – maintaining...

Public-Private Alliance

Today, government work tends toward flexible engagement with other sectors to maximize the benefits to the organization. Leaders in government organizations must be familiar with methods of engaging with other sectors to resolve any issues...